RSVP for We the People, Metro Council Districts 4 & 5

Important meeting of residents of Metro Council Districts 4 and 5 to identify issues we want the Metro Council candidates for our area to address. We'll present these issues to candidates in a citizens assembly before the election.

This is part of the "We the People" strategy of Together Baton Rouge. It is a non-partisan event, and candidates and their representatives will not be present.

Please RSVP below if you plan to attend.

August 17, 2016 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Antioch Full Gospel Baptist Church
5247 Ford St
Baton Rouge, LA 70811
United States
Google map and directions
Dana Jones & Ed Allums ·

RSVP here if you are able to attend.

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  • lionel M bazile jr
    canceled rsvp 2016-08-15 14:14:54 -0500
  • lionel M bazile jr
    rsvped 2016-08-15 14:14:21 -0500


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