Teacher salaries in Louisiana DECLINED BY 13.1% between 2010 & 2016 factoring for inflation — the 3rd largest decline in the nation (between Arizona and Oklahoma).
East Baton Rouge Parish Public School teacher salaries RANK 53RD IN THE STATE out of Louisiana’s 69 school districts accounting for classroom hours worked.
Since 2008, EBR Parish teacher salaries have DECLINED BY $9,219 factoring for inflation — a 17% cut over 10 years.
Under this program, a STATE board has exempted corporations from paying their LOCAL school property taxes. EBR schools LOSE $28 MILLION each year due to these exemptions, enough to give EVERY district employee a $4,900 raise.
Before 2018, local school boards had no control over these exemptions. THEY DO NOW!
RSVP below to take public action on this issue.
1252 N Acadian Thruway
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
United States
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